
An Open Source C++ library to ease the development on microcontrollers.



Aversive++ is a library that eases developpement of robotic applications for microcontrollers. Its aim is to provide an interface simple enough to be able to create complex applications, and optimized enough to enable small microcontrollers to execute these applications.

Why using Aversive++ ?

You like C++ ? You like robot programming ? You may like Aversive++ !

The library provides several features :


Easy control system design (use PID, Quadramp, Average, and a lot of other filters).


An Inverse Kniematic able to run on very small microcontroller !


Some specific drivers for robots actuators and sensors.


Containers similar to STL, but with no need of (evil) heap allocation.

Why Aversive++ is different ?

Let’s be clear, every framework for embedded systems is different. But here are some specificities of Aversive++ :


Aversive++ provides a build system (like a lot of similar frameworks), but try to be independent from it. Indeed, the library can be compiled with Arduino, or RIOT.


Aversive++ is modular, and you don't have to import the whole library to use it's modules.


Aversive++ follows the C++ phylosophy : "you don't pay for what you don't use".

Who use Aversive++ ?

Please, see the Hall of fame.

How to get started ?

Please, see the Documentation.