
An Open Source C++ library to ease the development on microcontrollers.





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Bug tracker

If you find a bug in the library, you need more explanation on a tutorial, or you have an idea of a new module, please, use this issue tracker.



You can drop a mail to contact the core development team.

Hall of fame

Three layers of control systems, a trajectory manager, a path finding algorithm, a multi-agent-like strategy system, and everything working with a 4KBytes-sized RAM ! The following video has been recorded in 2014.

A four-legged robot using Aversive++ since 2014

The following robot use Aversive++ to manage the low level systems (sensors, servomotors).

Aversive++ winner of Boost Your Code 2015

This project was supported by Inria through its program Boost Your Code from september 2015 to june 2016.